RDR Board Meeting Minutes – November, 2012

SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
5050 Aluffo Rd
Paso Robles, Ca 93446
RDRboard @gmail.com
Board Meeting – Nov. 17, 2012
President; Don Bullard
Vice-Pres. Jerry Ford
Sec. Chuck Enterline
Tres. Louise Oganesian
Directors Jess Felganhauer, Bob Boals, Kelly Lobo
SNRA reps; Carl Steinkraus / Leo Kennedy
All board members present or on the phone. Leo Kennedy was the only SNRA rep. present. Guests included; Ken McAlister
Meeting Called to Order by President Don Bullard; 9;05AM at Louise Oganesian’s house in Running Deer
Opening Statement from Don Bullard; Last meeting we accepted necessary structural changes in our budget to comply as a non-profit organization, this meeting we want to find out what our reserves are.
Minutes of our Last Meeting on 9/29/2012 were approved by the board via e-mail.
Treasure’s Report; Louse ; With all the bills paid up to date and pending, (property tax excluded of around $700.) we have $20, 104 available today. We also have a reserve. Our budget now reflects SNRA’s. At our next meeting we will need to decide which funds to shift to our reserve to comply with the 90% requirement to be spent.
Road Mainenance/Point Don indicated some patch work needs to be done and 1 deal of sealing. After winter we will need to finish crack sealing and therefore need to start building our reserve. There are areas where the shoulder has too little of base and as driven on, causes cracks and holes.
DOCKS; Jess indicated the stakes have that had been left at the point were removed. A safety issue is of concern if RDR dock owners leave their stakes and it becomes submerged creating possible prop strikes as well as other issues. The water at the moment is 743’. We lose our ramp around 728’.
(Kelly Lobo joined in via phone at the point)
There is undercutting at the launch ramp and will have to deal with that eventually. For our work party over Easter, we will need to prioritize activities and this will be one. Several RDR members contribute their time, money and tractor service to help maintain our ramp. They include; Karl Steinkraus. Ken McAlister, John Crass, Larry Brannon.
MOTION; Chuck made a motion to have a THANK YOU letter be sent to each for their efforts. There was a second and passed unanimously.
MOTION; Jess moved that ANY RDR owner NOW applying for a dock space, and obtaining RDR board approval , would have to go where space is available, which is between Chuck’s current dock location and Dennis Hamilton’s dock location. The motion was seconded and approved.
Jess indicated there were issues with abandoned docks as well as with Monterey County NOT responding to those concerns. There needs to be some clarity on dock rules and be posted online. This would also include owner transfer procedures. Monterey County does not recognize dock transfers. Jess indicated a draft of RDR DOCK RULES needs to be presented next meeting and approval sought. It was also noted that changes in DOCK RULES would not affect RDR RULES/REGS so membership approval would not be needed.
Jess also plans on contacting dock owners about a contribution for a separate fund to be held, toward dealing with all docks at the point… ie. Ridding abandoned docks. Docks at the point are a privilege, not a right.
Master Plan; Bob indicated they were working on a location for the group docks (8) and at present, no room. As the water comes up, there will be more room.
It was stated the current procedure is a first come, first served as far a dock location.
With the proposed 300’ wave attenuating structure costing$43,000., there obviously would be money concern issues. There may have to be a long term investment.
One idea might be to integrate the group dock structure as part of the wave attenuating plan. Insurance issues are of concern as well.
FIRE; Don reported on the donated Fire Truck and a need for insurance liability before it becomes operational.
Chuck reported on a meeting with the state held at Heritage Ranch. Ideas were discussed and a few changes will be made next year. Don wants to push the annual permit to our members and issues concerning that application were discussed.
Once again a SLO CERT class is coming; the web page for CERT in our area is;
Gates/Keys Don discussed issues with key cards, but non-duplicable keys are needed to avoid an overabundance of home depot keys being made for everyone. Costs, other issues still need to be discussed.
Newletter; Louise suggested more e-mails be sent instead of mass mailing which are costly in both time and RDR money. Including both dues notification with a newsletter are ideas.
Next Meeting; Either Jan. 19 or 26, 2013 to be decided by e-mail… in the barn at Louise Oganesian 9;00am
Adjournment; The meeting was adjourned at 11;05 am.