San Luis Obispo Co. Running Deer Ranch Co. Inc.
5050 Aluffo Road
Paso Robles, California 93446
To: All Dock Owners
From: Running Deer Ranch Board of Directors
All docks and permanent boats used as docks must meet certain use conditions. These conditions are set by Ordinance No. 3672 – Monterey County Dock Licensing; and the Grant Deed of Easement that permits RDR property owners use of the Point.
Ø Section 6. of Ordinance No. 3672 INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE reads:
Before any initial license and any renewal license is issued by the General manager, a licensee must file with the General Manage (a) a certificate of insurance issued by a company authorized to do insurance business in the state of California, providing that the insurer will give to the Agency thirty days notice of cancellation and (b) an agreement executed by the applicant holding the Agency and Monterey County and their officers, agents, and employees harmless for any damage or injury resulting from the installation or use of the dock. The insurance shall have a combined single limit of not less than $100,000 for public liability and property damage. The Supervisors may amend the required amount of insurance by resolution, and such amendment shall be effective for all initial and renewal license issued after the effective date of the resolution.
Ø The RDR Grand Deed of Easement was made and accepted subject to certain conditions. Conditions 4 and 5 required that any and all boat docks constructed upon or appurtenant to the land set forth in Exhibit “A” , shall meet all requirements of all building, licensing and regulatory agencies; and, any person, persons or entity constructing, operating or owning any such boat docks as described in number 4 above, shall hold Point land owners, now Jess Felgenhauer, harmless from any liability arising out of the operation or use of said docks. In addition, the RDR Board of Directors require that San Luis Obispo County Running Deer Ranch Company inc. shall also be held harmless.
Based on the above requirements, the following documentation is required from each owner who has a dock moored at the Point; or a boat being used as a dock permanently moored at the Point.
Please submit the following information:
Copy of your current Dock License issued by Monterey County Water Resources Agency
Copy of your current insurance policy showing Jess Felgenhauer as additionally insured.
Copy of your insurance policy showing San Luis Obispo County Running Deer Ranch Company Inc. as additionally insured.
Dock License applications can be obtained from:
Monterey County water Resources Agency
P.O. Box 930
Salinas, California 93902-0930
(831) 755-4860
Please send the above information to Running Deer Ranch at the above address. If you have any questions, please contact Jess Felgenhauer @ 5050 Aluffo Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Thank you for your cooperation in meeting these requirements.
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