RDR Board Meeting Minutes – January, 2013

SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
5050 Aluffo Rd
Paso Robles, Ca 93446
RDRboard @gmail.com
Board Meeting – Jan. 26, 2013, 2012
Don Bullard’s House in Running Deer
President; Don Bullard
Vice-Pres. Jerry Ford
Sec. Chuck Enterline
Tres. Louise Oganesian
Directors Jess Felganhauer, Bob Boals, Kelly Lobo
SNRA reps; Carl Steinkraus / Leo Kennedy
Board members present or on the phone; Don Bullard, Jerry Ford, Chuck Enterline, Bob Boals, Kelly Lobo, Mike Brannon; Leo Kennedy and Carl Steinkraus were the only SNRA rep. present. Guests included; Jerry Reese, Jerry Ahrens. Jessie Flegenhauer and Louise Oganedsian were absent.
Meeting Called to Order by President Don Bullard; 9;00AM at Don Bullard’s house in Running Deer
Opening Statement from Don Bullard; An email newletter draft will be sent for Board review. Plan is send it out to memebrs by the end of Feb
Minutes of our Last Meeting on Nov. 17, 2012 were approved by the board via e-mail.
Treasure’s Report; Don reported we still have around $20,000 in our operating funds and all bills, to the best of his knowledge, have been paid. At our next meeting we will need to vote shifting these funds to which reserve accounts in order to be compliant for SLO Running Deer Ranch non-profit status. Don estimates we will need $25to $30 thousand for Aluffo road work in the next 2 years.
Chuck proposed the possibility of reducing RDR membership dues at the General meeting this year, if we have plenty in reserves and likely to handle any road issues.
Road Mainenance/Point Don reported only 2 squirrel holes found last month, but many more are coming soon. There will be more crack sealing and shoulder work needed this summer. Don will work with Frederick’s to get bid and schedule.
-There was an issue with a loose dock from another area tied up at the point hitting Jerry Ahren’s dock.
-Jordon’s dock needs to be pulled back in.
-We will need to get all the “permission letters” from Running Deer out to dock owners no later than April, so they can make the May deadline for Monterey County dock permits. Permission letters will require that owners have paid their 2013 dues and their insurance is current.
Master Plan; Bob gave the board a second bid on a wake barrier for our launch ramp. It was just shy of $100,000. Don suggested that both the $44…and the $100 thousand dollar bids were more than likely cost prohibitive and the membership would likely not vote for it. There was a discussion about putting 5mph buoys (maybe 3) from Chuck’s dock area to past the launch ramp for probably around $1000. might be the best we can do. In addition, there would need to be a plan to maintain them. (possibly removing them in the winter)
Jerry Ahrens suggested we keep our priorities straight, with maintaining Aluffo as the highest priority.
-8 people are committed to the community co-op dock project. A proposal needs to be presented to the board for approval as one of the next steps. Don indicated the proposal must include the single entity organization idea where the owners are solely responsible for everything, a full plan on maintenance, location etc and be presented to the full membership as well.
FIRE; Leo reported he started our fire wagon and all is well.. He replaced the gas, and indicated there was some algae in the water which we will deal with.
-Don reported our donated RDR Fire Truck runs and pumps fine, brakes are ok. He continues with a concern over not blocking Cal Fire if/when we use this truck and we would need insurance which Chuck agreed to find out the cost.
Once again a SLO CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) The CERT training sessions has been re-scheduled. New dates are: March 23 & 24, 9AM-1PM and April 6&7, 9AM-1PM. Training will be at the Cal-Shasta club house. The web page for CERT in our area is;
Mussel Inspection; Chuck had nothing new to report. Don wants to push the annual Resident Permit for our members. Not one RDR member has gone through the process. Online, one can fill out the forms and THEN be told when the next meeting is. Mussel Inspection Certification for watercraft is NOW Calif. State law.
Gates/Keys It was reported recently a boat without a mussel inspection was cited and they were looking into where the boat launched. Don looked into non-duplicable keys and found one at the Paso Robles Safe and Lock which could issue non-duplicable keys costing $3.50 each and a total for 300 keys and lock at around $1400. Going to this system would add security, make our point and launch ramp more under our control and prevent or reduce duplicate keys from being made.
MOTION; Don moved and Jerry Ford seconded that we spend up to $1500.00 for 300 non-duplicable keys, lock etc (both the point and launch ramp) for the 2013 year. Two keys to be given to paid members, instead of one. The motion carried unanimously.
-Louise had suggested to Don we charge $25.00 for extra keys.
MOTION; Don moved we charge $25.00 for additional keys with a maximum of 2 additional keys. Jerry Ford seconded and the motion again carried unanimously.
NOTE; the new key system will go into effect on April 15, 2013.
Correspondence/Website; Chuck had nothing to report
SNRA; Plans include increasing insurance on liability and for board members. Chuck agreed to contact one of our members which had indicated he was willing to give us a security camera. We currently have one working, but we could sure stand to get a newer one.
Misc. Services; Mike Brannon agreed to give all needed contact information to Kelly for upcoming needs.
Point Recreational Improvements; Bob reported we can either get a $1000 concrete table or a $700 metal one. The consensus went toward the cement one because it would last longer and have less maintenance. Bob plans on donating a cement one (similar to ones found a rest stops) and wanted some feedback suggesting we keep buying the same type.
-Easter Weekend work party is on March 30, 2013. We have less to do this year.
Electronic Newletter /Feb. dues notice. A variety of items need to be included and board input is requested once Don puts out the first draft. With the U.S. mailing of this year’s dues notice there will be a means for people to ask for a hard copy of our quarterly updates will be explained.
Open Discussion; Jerry Ahrens suggested we make sure every RDR member has access to the quarterly updates as well as anything we send electronically, if they do not use that communication system. Don agreed. Jerry also suggested that purchasing of tables for the point should be membership item.
General Membership Meeting; Will include financial statement, dues for 2014 as well as updates on the mussel program, wave barrier for our ramp and other projects. By consensus, it was decided to use Cal Fire handouts instead of talk by Cal Fire.
Next Meeting; March 2, 2013…. place to be published.
Adjournment; The meeting was adjourned at 10: 35 am.