SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
Board Meeting – Feb 22, 2014
Don Bullard’s
House in Running Deer
Don Bullard…………..President
Bob Boals……………..Vice-President
Chuck Enterline…….. Secretary
Louise Oganesian……Treasurer
Kelly Lobo…………… Board Member
Jerry Reese………….. Board Member
Jess Felgenhauer…….Board Member
Leo Kennedy/Carl Steinkraus… SNRA Reps
Call to Order by Don Bullard @ 9:04 AM
Board members present; Don Bullard, Bob Boals, Jess Felganhauer, Jerry Reese, Louise Oganesian.
Visitors and SNRA representatives; Jerry and Doris Ahrens, Carl and Georgia Steinkraus, Leo Kennedy
Opening Statement from Don Bullard;
Don stated a concern about members paying dues for 2014 because of the current low lake level. He encourages all members to remain in “good standing” as road and point maintenance is still needed.
Treasure’s Report;
Louise stated that there were no changes other than an interest deposit of 13 cents. There was also a reminder that we are filling our taxes as a “HOA non-profit” Until we can formally submit and receive a NON-PROFIT Determination from the IRS. Also, Dues notices with accompanying revised CUP were mailed.
Road Maintenance/Point;
Don met with Fredrick’s and walked the entire road and a 3 year plan was discussed for future repairs. The current condition is good although some shoulder work will need to be done and a new coating of topam seal will need to be applied in the near future. The three year plan with repair estimates is forthcoming from Fredricks.
Launch Ramp;
All rocks purchased to date have been placed along the downhill side of the ramp to help mitigate erosion. Thanks to Don, Bob, Jerry R., and Jessie for getting this done.
Also it has come to the board’s attention that large concrete blocks can be purchased and delivered to be placed on the uphill side to stop the flow of sand across the ramp. Louise is currently looking into this.
Jessie stated that all docks are current with no changes. The coop dock is moving ahead with the owners working at this point on approval from the county.
There was discussion on making permanent dock moorings. This would define the absolute number of docks to be allowed at the point as well as their location. It was stated by Don that the general membership should not be responsible financially for this work as most members don’t actually have docks.
Don reported that both fire trailers are in good working condition. The water truck however is still in need of repair. Don and Jerry R. are working on that.
Don stated that new keys will be made for the upcoming season. He is currently researching the need for new locks or if they can be rekeyed.
Lake Piru in Ventura county has been infested with mussels. This lake is now to be on the watch list for all mussel inspectors. Also boats leaving that lake will get a band that says (piru#) on it. If a boat arrives at our lake with that band, it is subject to inspection as well as a 30 day ban.
A winter update membership Email has been sent out.
Main gate camera is currently being installed.
Misc. Services;
Don stated that if lake levels are low the perhaps there is no need for the porta potty’s. Jerry A. said that there should be at least one for general use. Also the billing process which has been a problem in the past has been solved with a new contract for RDR.
The voluntary directory will be forthcoming to the board.
Open Discussion;
Nothing to Report.
Next Meeting;
April 12. Location to be determined.
Motion, Don. 2nd Jerry R.
Meeting adjourned 10:20 AM