RDR Board Meeting Minutes, August 2013

SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
Board Meeting – Aug 10, 2013
Don Bullard’s House in Running Deer
Don Bullard…………..President
Bob Boals……………..Vice-President
Chuck Enterlinie…… Sec.
Louise Oganesian…. Tres.
Kelly Lobo…………… Board Member
Jerry Reese………….. Board Member
Jess Felgenhauer…….Board Member
Leo Kennedy/Carl Steinkraus… SNRA Reps
Call to Order by Don Bullard @ 9;00AM
Board members present; Don Bullard,, Chuck Enterline, Bob Boals, Jess Felganhauer, Jerry Reese. Kelly Lobo and Louise by phone. Leo Kennedy was the SNRA rep. present.
Visitors; Tom and Pam Nicks, Karl and Thelma Bell, Ken McAlister, Brad Jordan, Steve Spalding, Loren and Cynthia Boe, Jerry and Doris Ahrens.
Opening Statement from Don Bullard indicated we would review the 10 slip dock option, review the recent fire, discuss the ballot to go out including the APN # change to include Brian McCarty, Brad Jellison and Roger Staben, the value of the mussel inspection, etc., some action issues with RDR money and a phone presentation by Wayne Woodard about the dock.
Wayne Woodard began his presentation and members present were given a map of the point. Wayne indicated he represented 9 different property owners who had each put up $1000. to move forward with the co-op dock. He is requesting a preliminary “go ahead” from the RDR board in order to present this plan to Monterey County. The “T” design he presented was the least intrusive. The dock measures 136’ x 66’ and a plank to shore. They will need placement where the bottom is level, so when the lake recedes, the entire structure will settle evenly. The dock participants had discussed and have a plan for maintenance, insurance etc. This group formed a LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) called Dragondocks LLC to share and manage this project. Wayne is asking for final approval from the RDR board to proceed. Jesse questions the proposed location of dock. (one was close to the launch ramp and the other was close to the clump of docks) Don questioned the responsibility of maintenance of the dock, insurance etc. Currently people with docks at the point, if they don’t live here, have issues during the year as lake levels can change quickly. Bob Boals suggested waiting to find a spot to place it for a few more weeks, as we are scheduled to go dry soon. Jesse also questioned the placement to close to the launch ramp and compliance with dock distances from the launch ramp. Other questions included; is a 10 dock structure insurable, would Monterey even consider such a structure on the lake, etc.
Chuck made a motion that the RDR board is in support of the project, but will need these questions answered before final approval. Motion was seconded and passed with Don abstaining.
Minutes of our Last Meeting on 06/15/ 2013 were approved by a unanimous vote.  
Don urged all board members for a timely minutes be presented, changes made, and an approval.
Treasure’s Report;  Louise said we had $27,898 in checking, $32,261 in savings/reserves and had allocated $17,983 for the remainder of this year.
Treasure’s report was approved by the board with no objections.
Louise requested the purchase of QuickBooks in order to improve our treasure reporting. She indicated most businesses and corporations use this. In addition, the next treasurer would find it easier to use then the current method.
Louise moved we purchase QuickBooks not to exceed $400. Motion passed unanimously.
 Louise made a motion to pay Bob Boals for the new tables he purchased and brought up. She assumed responsibility for collecting ½ the amount from Gus Faci, as Gus donated one of the tables, RDR the other. Motion passed unanimously.
Road Mainenance/Point  Don suggested we will be needing to hot patch, work on the sides of the roads, and give attention to the road near the point. We also need to be working on a 3 year plan for either hot patching or chip sealing Allufo which will be a major expense. As the water recedes, repairs and some kind of material will be needed to replace the eroded soil for our launch ramp.
Dock request by the Boe’s. Tom and Pam Nicks purchased the Boe’s house that came with a 16’ x 18’ dock. The Nick’s requested to place their dock at the point and had a place in mind within the clump of docks currently there. It was noted that a transfer of property does not automatically include one’s dock (separate issue that must be dealt with Monterey County) and does not necessarily mean the dock remains at the RDR point.
Jesse indicated the board is not allowing any new docks at the point until certain issues can be resolved. He suggested the Nick’s consider being the 10th partner in the Drangondocks LLC.The Nicks ageed, but requested if the Drangondocks LLC fails, he be given the first chance to put a dock at the point.  
Master Plan (Kelly joins in by phone at this point)
Bob suggested we consider placing a geo-textile material as a base for the dock in October. A discussion on whether this material, cement, granite, stackable material or other material would be best considering durability and costs (including transport) Bob will continue research for potential work in October
FIRE;  Don reported the fire that occurred on / near the Lobo’s on Aug. 4, 2013 had an outstanding response. There were 20-25 volunteers with shovels, the water truck, both fire tanks and the fire tank from Bat Ranch across Towne Creek. There were a few issues that are being worked out. The CALL TREE functioned with some adjustments needed (some people were never called because the person above them in the tree did not answer). Leo and Chuck agreed to work on it. Karl Bell gave a special THANKS to the 20plus people responding. It was noted that the Spanish Moss on trees catches fire FIRST and easy (suggesting removal).
Mussel Inspection; Chuck reported is quickly coming to an end with no launching by the first week of Sept. provided the release schedule is followed.
Gates/Keys   Leo reported there are some issues with the gate when the power is out for an extended period of time. Additional keys need to be at the gate area for people repairing.
Members e-mail security. Accidently the e-mails of the RDR membership were released to RDR owners in a notice. The board apologies and is making attempts to insure this doesn’t happen again.
Correspondence/Website; only the Boe’s request
SNRA; Leo had nothing to report
Misc. Services; Kelly was asked to have the port-a-potties removed after Labor Day weekend.
Proposed Bylaw and Rules Regulation ballot to be sent. The board reviewed the proposal and had discussed the APN number change, and mussel cert. requirement the last several meetings.
The proposed ballot was approved unanimously and is to be sent out.

Don pointed out the By-Laws require 2/3 YES to pass of those ballots received and the Rules/Regs need 50% plus 1 of those received to pass.
Louise requested an emergency contact number be provided when the ballots go out.
Open Discussion; Ken wanted to verify that a member in good standing means they have paid their annual dues only. Don pointed out any member violating easements, rules/reg, or dock issues that the RDR board has the authority to suspend membership with due process. Ken asked the requirements to have a board member removed. He was informed it requires 2/3 vote by the membership.
Next Meeting; put at Oct. 6 (a SUNDAY) 2;00pm at Louise’s barn.
Meeting Adjourned approximately 11;00am.
There was an Executive Session following.