RDR Board Meeting Minutes – March, 2013

SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
5050 Aluffo Rd
Paso Robles, Ca 93446
RDRboard @gmail.com
Board Meeting – March 2, 2013
Don Bullard’s House in Running Deer
President; Don Bullard
Vice-Pres. Jerry Ford
Sec. Chuck Enterline
Tres. Louise Oganesian
Directors Jess Felganhauer, Bob Boals, Kelly Lobo
SNRA reps; Carl Steinkraus / Leo Kennedy
Board members present; Don Bullard, Jerry Ford, Chuck Enterline, Bob Boals, Louise Oganesian.
SNRA reps included Carl Steinkraus and Jerry Ahrens.
Visitors included; Ken McCalister, Karl and Thelma Bell.
Board members absent; Jessie Flegenhauer, Kelly Lobo
Meeting Called to Order by President Don Bullard; 9;05AM at Don Bullard’s house in Running Deer
Opening Statement from Don Bullard; Mentioned lake levels could be low this year. This meeting we will need to move RDR monies to appropriate accounts.
Minutes of our Last Meeting on 01/26/ 2013 were approved by the board via e-mail.
Treasure’s Report; Still had outstanding bill from Fredrick’s on a check they never cashed. Stop-Payment placed and new check reissued and has been received and receipted as PAID IN FULL. Our new Robo Bank Checking Account, allows for 3 bank actions without charge. RDR operating fund has $19,585. We have $15,255 in reserve. $1643.00 remains in point improvement fund. It will be necessary to move that $19,585 or at least 90% to our reserve or other fund to be in compliance maintaining our tax exception status..
Road Mainenance/Point Don reported RDR funds have basically flat lined until we increased our dues. In an effort to maintain Aluffo, we will need at least $24,000(at this year’s cost) to slurry or top seal Aluffo in the future. We can always do a section at a time.
MOTION was made about moving a percentage of funds from the Operating Funds “checking account” to the RESERVE Funds “Saving’s Account.” Motion was withdrawn due to lack of specific dollar amounts or percentages being vague.
MOTION; Don moved we take all but $3000.00 and put it in the road reserve fund. Bob Boals seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Community Dock Report; Our wave barrier consideration is cost prohibitive with the current bids, but we are still looking into the possibility of using telephone poles. We are also pursuing the placing of 5mph buoys by the RDR launch ramp and by the docks. At issue is getting a response from the lake officials. Don said if we put them in, we would be responsible for maintenance and removal as needed. Bob Boals brought to our attention the issue of placement of the buoys and the center lake bouy…may not be sufficient space.
Monterey County dock permits are non-transferrable. Dale McClung (having the Flower’s old dock) followed the proper procedure LAST year to secure his dock at the RDR point.
RDR board received a dual request from Dale McClung through Jesse Felganhauer requesting
1-permission to continue with his dock at the point and
2-To have Tim Culhane be allowed to put a dock at the RDR point. (it was a little unclear whether this was a request from Dale McClung to put a second dock in).
New docks must have RDR board approval. Docks in existence at the RDR point need only follow the dock procedures for renewal each year (thus not requiring RDR approval every year)
Jesse has indicated no new docks should be placed at the point because of lack of space. Last memorial a moratorium was placed on new docks until an e-mail went out seeking to find out those who wanted a spot.
RDR dock rules are found at; http://lakenacimientosouthshorearea.com/RDR%20Miscellaneous.htm#All_Dock_Owners
With Don Bullard abstaining from discussion as well as voting, Jerry Ford made a motion; it was seconded and passed unanimously to respond to Dale McClung’s request addressing both issues he asked about. The response will be circulated within the board for suggestions before sending.
Master Plan
Bob Boals reported there was no new movement in the co-op dock project. There are still 8 people are committed to the community co-op dock project. Don indicated a proposal still needs to be presented to the board for approval.
FIRE; Chuck reported our fire wagon is up and running. The new fire truck that was donated is in good working order and we must obtain liability insurance before considering its use. Chuck will be reporting on liability costs at the next meeting.
Leo needs to update the Emergency Calling List for 2013-2014.
Mussel Inspection; Chuck indicated a new 2013 Vessel Screening Permit form was going to be used this year. Don still is pushing for the annual Resident Permit for our members as the constant screening process and lack of volunteers is burdensome to the few active RDR mussel inspectors.
Gates/Keys Don is proceeding with the non-duplicable keys from the Paso Robles Safe and Lock. Again, this system would add security, make our point and launch ramp more under our control and prevent or reduce duplicate keys from being made.
Jerry Ahrens indicated a need to remove the non-functional locks on the main gate.
Correspondence/Website; Chuck indicated there were no new e-mails since last meeting, except “rejected” returned e-mails. There was some discussion on updating our e-mail list and deleting e-mails which no longer work. Leo will be asked to do this.
SNRA; Karl indicated SNRA is looking into increasing their liability insurance. Tree trimming is on “hold” for bit while an investigation is underway on what we can and cannot do with tree trimming and removal.
A need for a NRMAC representative from Running Deer is needed. Don and Chuck agreed to volunteer to co-chair this position for the monthly meeting.
Misc. Services; There was no new report since Kelly was absent. It was agreed we need to start looking into port-a-potties for the point this year.
Point Recreational Improvements; Bob Boals continued with his offer to pay for one cement table at the point if the RDR board agreed to buy one.
Motion; A motion was made by Don to approve the spending of up to $1000 for a cement type table for the point; it was seconded and passed unanimously.
-Easter Weekend work party is on March 30, 2013. We have less to do this year.
Louise volunteered to provide lunch for the work party on Easter Weekend. Don will survey and make a list of the needs.
Discussion on Memorial Day weekend security and rules; Chuck addressed the board on the issue of “overkill” the last few years during the Memorial weekend. He reported a maximum of maybe 10 cars used the point, was termed “dead” by members and both the weekend before and after had far more activity. The multiple spaces made available for parking near the end of Aluffo were barely utilized by 1-2 cars. With lake levels likely to be low this year, Chuck suggested saving RDR money by not hiring a security guard this year. It was agreed to loosen the parking rules. Don pointed out that the security guard is not just for protection, but is not very expensive (maybe $425 for the weekend and he will report the actual costs for this year at the next meeting) AND offers RDR members the opportunity to be with their friends and family….free from volunteering that weekend (which seems to be increasingly difficult). In addition, Don reported many favorable comments about the guard. A full discussion and recommendation will be made at the next meeting.
Open Discussion; none
Next Meeting; April 13, 2013 at 9;00am. Louise Oganesian volunteered her facilities.
Adjournment; The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.