SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc. Board Meeting – 26 July, 2014
Louise and Henry Oganesian’s House in Running Deer
Jerry Reese……………… President
Kelly Lobo………………. Vice-President
Bob Boals……………….. Secretary
Louise Oganesian…………. Treasurer
Jess Felgenhauer…………. Board Member
Renda McAlister………….. Board Member
Carol Bosman Anderson…….. Board Member
Leo Kennedy/Carl Steinkraus.. SNRA Reps
Call to Order by Jerry Reese @ 9:02 AM
Board members present; Jerry Reese, Bob Boals, Kelly Lobo, Louise Oganesian,
Jess Felganhauer, Renda MacAlister, And Carol Bosman Anderson (by phone)
Visitors and SNRA representatives; Jerry and Doris Ahrens, Carl Steinkraus, Leo Kennedy, Don Bullard, and John Crass,
Opening Statement from Jerry Reese;
Jerry stated the board’s appreciation for the years of work given
by Don Bullard and Chuck Enterline. Motion: Jerry Reese, 2nd Louise Oganesian
Approve the assignment of chairpersons of the current board. Passed: unanimous
Motion: Louise Oganesian, 2nd Renda McAlister
Approve Leo Kennedy and Carl Steinkraus as the SNRA representatives.
Passed: unanimous
Discussion about the launch ramp gate being left open. Members are encouraged to lock the gate even if people are day camping at the bottom of the ramp. It was also mentioned that the culprits tend to not be actual members but often 2nd and 3rd generation family members and friends.
Also a more professional looking sign should replace the hand written “lock gate” sign.
Review of last meeting minutes. Bob Boals
The board reviewed the 5 priorities given to the board by the members.
1 Road
2 Point
3 Launch ramp
4 Mussel Program
5 –open-
The board decided to make the 5th priority “fire strategy”.
Motion: Jerry Reese, 2nd Bob Boals
For this board to continue on with the above stated priorities.
Passed: unanimous
TRESURER’S REPORT: Louise Oganesian
Louise stated that we have 101 paid members to date.
The balances in the accounts are as follows:
Major Expenses Checking Account: $ 30,773.32
Primary Checking Account (Operations): $31,296.15
Also the Taxes are prepped and waiting for review; an extension has been filed.
Fredricks has fulfilled 90% of this years contracted road work. Unknown finish date for the reminder but it is anticipated that it will be finished at the completion of the SNRA contracted work.
DOCKS: Jess Felgenhauer
No current changes. A “max” number of docks is in the works and with the low lake levels, Jessie is working on a survey of the point property as well a method to anchor and assign dock spaces.
The COOP “Dragon Dock” application has been approved by the county with the location being to the north side of the launch ramp.
Motion; Jessie, 2nd Louise
To accept the request for the COOP dock pending insurance.
Passed: unanimous
Louise expressed concern about maintenance and responsibility of the new dock. It was pointed out that the dock is responsible for itself and any problems will be handled internally with one representative to answer to the board in the event of any problems. It will be treated as 1 dock just as the others currently are.
GATES/KEYS: Don Bullard
Nothing new to report.

FIRE: Jerry Reese
The board voted online to allow the insurance for the water truck to lapse. The truck is too large and difficult to operate on the roads around Running Deer. We are currently looking at options to sell or donate the truck.
Motion: Louise, 2nd Renda
Sell the truck with the condition that the Swift family (the original donor) does not want it back.
Passed: unanimous
Nothing new to report, although the Gmail account is going to be cleaned up and streamlined in a way to provide quicker email response.
Email lists of boats using Piru Lake continue to be sent to Mussel inspectors on a monthly basis.
SNRA:Leo Kennedy, Carl Steinkrous
The road repair under the responsibility of SNRA is mostly finished.
NRWMAC: Don Bullard, Chuck Enterline
Our donation has helped further the project to get a pipeline from San Antonio to Nacimiento. There are still many hurdles in the way including an agreement with the 6 property owners whom are impacted by said project.
Misc. Services: Kelly Lobo
The porta potties are scheduled to be removed after Labor Day.
Open Discussion:
Louise raised a question about the picnic table that Gus Fauci had pledged to the point. It seems Mr. Fauci has still not been informed that the table was in fact purchased and installed several months ago.
Motion: Louise Oganesian 2nd Jerry Reese
If Mr. Fauci cannot be reached within 10 days of this meeting then the board will pay for the cost of the table.
Passed: Unanimous
Jerry Ahrens mentioned the tall weeds at the point that are down where the majority of the docks are currently dry. He expressed a concern of a tripping hazard when the water comes back up. Kelly asked to reconfirm why the wave attenuation was not on the agenda in regards to the COOP dock. The reason was cost as well as lack of approval from the county.
Next Meeting:
August 30th At Renda and Ken McAlister’s home.
5825 Aluffo Rd.
Motion: Jerry Reese 2nd Bob Boals
Meeting adjourned 9:47 AM