RDR Board Meeting Minutes – April 2014

     SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
Board Meeting – April 13, 2014
Don Bullard’s
 House in Running Deer
Don Bullard…………..President
Bob Boals……………..Vice-President
Chuck Enterlinie…… Sec.
Louise Oganesian…. Tres.
Kelly Lobo…………… Board Member
Jerry Reese………….. Board Member
Jess Felgenhauer…….Board Member
Leo Kennedy/Carl Steinkraus… SNRA Reps
Call to Order by Don Bullard @ 2;07pm
Board members present; Don Bullard, Chuck Enterline, Jerry Reese, Bob Baols, Jessie Felgenhauer, and Kelly Lobo by phone. Leo Kennedy was the SNRA rep. present.
Visitors; Ken McAlister, Jerry Ahrens, Thelma Bell, Tom Nix
Don Bullard’s opening statement;
1-Present Fredrick’s estimate for approval on Aluffo
2-Keys to point/ramp
3-Discuss low lake levels and Memorial Weekend plans.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved by the RDR board via e-mail.
Don pointed out the RDR website is not user friendly as far as RDR rules/regs, by laws etc. and needs attention.
Treasurer’s Report;
-Leo presented we have $43,641 in checking and $32,269 in savings. As of this meeting we have 88 paid members. It was pointed out that as a non-profit organization, we cannot have “savings” in our reserve account. We finally completed the form to switch us from an “HOA” which we are NOT, to a non-profit tax filing status, which we need to be. The board approved the Treasurer’s Report. Later Louise clarified our status as follows “we ARE filing as a Non-profit HOA. We have NEVER been an HOA, but 3 boards ago, started conducting our finances as one… we are now following Non-profit rules; and will hopefully file to the IRS for a determination letter to file as a NON-Profit… BUT until IRS grants us that status, the best we can do is continue like we have been.”
Committee Reports;
Road Maintenance and Point; Don reported he is working with Fredrick’s to develop a 3 year plan for Aluffo. 1.9 miles is done by square footage. We need to sweep sides, grade, put rocks to avoid erosion and put hot patch from RDR ramp to end of Aluffo. It was recommended we put Toping C on 1/3 of the road now, 1/3 the following year and 1/3 the 3ird year to complete this project. Costs would be $30,000 this year and $15,000 each year thereafter.
–Jerry Ahrens pointed out we can NOT encumber next year’s board with committed expenses. Don indicated we were NOT doing this, merely getting started this year and the following years, that board would have to approve expenses.
–Chuck pointed out there is a very likely chance of an El Nino year coming which could destroy all our efforts this year and we could lose that $30,000 recommended now. It was pointed out, that by doing this year’s project we would be “saving” and preparing Aluffo for an El Nino.
The board approved $30,000 for this year’s project.
–A discussion of RDR launch ramp followed; too much sand is on one side. Placing more concrete blocks is logistically impossible.
Docks; Jesse reported there were no requests for docks. He indicated there is a need to find out exact property lines and it is a good time to do this as lake levels are very low. He indicated we cannot have docks on Monterey County property. Jesse indicated new dock rules are in progress. Jerry Reese reported we would find out about the co-op dock next week (from Monterey County, lake authorities)
Gates/Keys; It was reported that CalFire left the main gate locked open. We need to let them know that if CalFire enters Running Deer on a non-emergency basis, the gate MUST be put back to operational condition and not left open.
-Don reported two e-mails were sent out about the change of keys/locks. The costs of the new locks/keys were $1000.
Correspondence; Chuck reported none except the usual request from realtors.
Mussel Program; Chuck reported new forms are available that have carbon copies. The copies need to be returned to Chuck to be returned to Misty (SLO Mussel Coordinator). An attempt is being made to monitor all boats and provided lists of boats that have entered contaminated lake within the last 30 days.
NRWMAC; Don reported NRWMAC is 15-16 years old and is important to RDR as a participating member. Don is our representative with Chuck as an alternate. A 6’ pipe linking Nacimiento with San Antonio project is proceeding, but realistically, we are looking at 10-15 years down the road for completion if all goes well. NRWMAC is seeking donations to help with this project, but Don pointed out the RDR board does not have the authority to donate money to this project and RDR membership must approve. Don will present to the membership at the annual meeting a proposed $1000 donation. It was pointed out that RDR individuals are welcome to donate.
SNRA; (not much to report). Jerry Ahrens reported our main gate recorder died, new one purchased and now 2 cameras are in operation, one of which can read license plates. SNRA and Running Deer agreed to split the cost.
Misc Services; By consensus, the RDR board suggested we put in only 1 port-a-potty this year. Kelly agreed to take care of this. The one is to go in a week before Memorial and out the week after Labor Day.
Discussion on low lake levels; This Memorial weekend will be different as there are very low lake levels. Don suggested we don’t need either security or special parking rules other than the usual (no trailers or motorhomes on point). It was decided to just have mussel inspectors available with phone numbers posted.
Kelly volunteered her property for the General Meeting, Sunday, May 25, 2014 @ 9:00am. It was agreed to invite Cal Fire to our meeting, but no special presentations. Don will be steeping off the Board as required by our Bylaws, and Louise and Chuck’s terms also expire, but they are eligible for re-election to the Board.
There are no by laws or rule changes this year.
Don reported NARMAC is attempting to reduce the current 60cfs release down to 20cfs.
We agreed upon a tentative BOD meeting date 2 weeks prior to the general meeting subject to cancellation if we did not see a need for it
Chuck Enterline, RDR Sec.