RDR Board Meeting Minutes – October, 2013

SLO Running Deer Ranch Company, Inc.
Board Meeting – Oct 6, 2013
Louise Oganesian’s House in Running Deer
Don Bullard…………..President
Bob Boals……………..Vice-President
Chuck Enterline…….. Secretary
Louise Oganesian……Treasurer
Kelly Lobo…………… Board Member
Jerry Reese………….. Board Member
Jess Felgenhauer…….Board Member
Leo Kennedy/Carl Steinkraus… SNRA Reps
Call to Order by Don Bullard @ 2:03PM;
Board members present; Don Bullard, Bob Boals, Jess Felganhauer, Jerry Reese, Louise Oganesian.
Visitors; Henry Oganesian
Opening Statement from Don Bullard;
The last two months saw a calm season with few problems on the point or otherwise. The non-duplicable locks worked great with no known, unauthorized people obtaining keys.
4th of July security worked well for the days the guard was actually present (Thursday and Friday) but would have been good to have him for Saturday and Sunday as well.
The hire of the guard and the addition of the non-duplicable locks has done well to assure that all point users are indeed “members in good standing” giving us 106 paid members. 4 short of our 110 member goal.
Minutes of our Last Meeting on 8/10/ 2013 were approved by a unanimous vote.
Treasure’s Report;
Louise stated RDR funds are as follows:
$32,261.24 RDR SAVINGS Stmnt 9/1/13 -Reserves/Emergency
$26,229.51 RDR Checking Stmnt 9/1/13 Operating Expense
$22,836.34 Available in Checking Account AFTER All checks clear
(Insurance, Benches, Port-a-Potties)
Budgeted for 2013-2014:
$4,550 to be MOVED TO SAVINGS for Mandatory Reserves
$1,968 remaining for FIXED OPERATING EXPENSE (Keys 2014)
Leaves: $16,318 in Budget for funds available for Further Allocation
The $16,318 is subject to INCREASE, once funds for 2nd bench received and All Fixed Operating Expenses accounted for, we are currently below budget both in revenue received AND expenses.
The books are currently with the CPA for independent review. We have No Taxes Due; however, Accountant is again filing as an HOA NON-Profit, which we are not. She has filed as such for the past several years.
It was stated by Don, that we need to stop filing as an “HOA” and begin our filings as a “Non Profit” which we were incorporated as and recognized by the State of CA. But as no formal designation ever submitted to IRS and without IRS determination letter, accountant has filed as an HOA non-profit all these several years. HOA has other criteria that we cannot and are not positioned for. Louise is researching with her CPA to see what is involved to correct or change this.
Treasure’s report was approved by the board with no objections.
Road Maintenance/Point;
Don stated that the point is in good shape. But we will most probably lose trees if the lake levels approach maximum height due to undermining by ground squirrels. Methods of abatement was also discussed.
Some minor patching is needed on Aluffo road but there is a major concern about the condition of some shoulder areas. It was brought to the attention of the board that some extensive reconstruction the road base and paving in these areas will most probably be required prior to the winter rains. However the paving contractor is not doing work in our area in the near future making the repairs cost prohibitive at this time.
It was also noted that a large percentage of the monies in the savings is going to be needed for the recoating of Aluffo Rd.
Jessie presented the following recommendations to change the wording in the “dock requirements”

  • Add the word “annually” after the word “required” in the first line.
  • In the second line after the word “point” remove “or a boat being used as a dock permanently moored at the point.” Replace with “A letter to the RDR Board, by the January meeting, requesting permission to continue mooring a dock at the Point. The board will vote to accept or reject the request based on compliance and conduct from the previous year. If the request is denied, Monterey County will not issue a new license and the dock must be removed from the point by March 31. Upon acceptance of the request, the Board will issue the letter granting permission to moor at the Point prior to receipt of the renewal packet sent by Monterey County. The license period begins April 1 of the current year and ends March 31 the following year”.

  • Insert the words “prior to April 30” before the statement “please submit the following information.”

Amended version shall read;

Based on the above requirements, the following documentation is required annually from each owner who has a dock moored at the Point;
A letter to the RDR Board by the January meeting, requesting permission to continue mooring a dock at the point. The Board will vote to accept or reject the request based on compliance and conduct from the previous year.
If the request is denied, Monterey County will not issue a new license and the dock must be removed from the point by March 31.
Upon acceptance of the request, the board will issue the letter granting permission to moor at the point prior to receipt of the renewal packet sent by Monterey County. The license period begins April 1 of the current year and ends March 31 the following year. Prior to April 30, please submit the following information.

DOCKS; continued.
Regarding the “co-op” dock;
It was decided that the best location to place the dock would be next to the launch ramp. A minimum of 150’ away and to the right (looking from the shore). Jessie will coordinate a new location for the Jordan’s dock and the possible movement of Enterline’s.
The LLC needs to file a permit with Monterey County to continue forward with the project.
Further discussion was made by Don and Jessie regarding using pontoon boats as docks and the “condition” a dock should be in to be moored at the point. While a modified pontoon boat will make for any easy way to make a dock, as stated by Don. Jessie stated that some type of “dock standard” should be put into effect. Jessie also stated that the co-op dock idea is one he would like to see expanded to the other side of the point, to eventually replace all existing single owner docks.
Motion by Louise, 2nd Jerry R.
To approve the placement of the Co-op dock pending approval by Monterey County.
Motion Passed with unanimously. Jerry R. will notifiy Co-op dock of approval.
Master plan;
Bob Boals stated that there has been no change to the point since the last meeting. Lake levels (while not as low as expected) still afforded the ability to place the co-op dock.
Discussion of ramp maintenance decided that limestone “rip rap” will be used on the ramp side to curb erosion. Bob will explore the cost of material and trucking to do the project.
Don reported the fire tree has some issues with becoming “broken” due to people leaving to fight the fire or people not being in the community when the receive a call. Residents are being told to continue calling if they are unable to respond physically to the fire seen. Residents are also encouraged to carry the fire tree call list with them (on their person or in their utv/golf carts) to help with a quick response.
Fire trailers are in working order, however there are some mechanical issues with the water truck that Don has been working on at his own expense.
Mussel Inspection;
Nothing to report.
Gates/ Keys;
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Misc. Services; Kelly was not at the meeting but had told Don via email that the porta pottys had been called in to be removed.
The potty’s are gone, but a question about the last months bill still remains and is being handled by Louise.
Ballot count of proposed Bylaws and rules and regulation Changes;
The ballots were counted and the results were as follows.
Proposed bylaws; yes-60 no-0: vote passed.
Rules and regulations changes; yes-54 no-1: vote passed.
Jerry R. will notify the new owners of the results.
Intake of emergency contact information was done and will be added to the database.
Open Discussion;
Nothing to Report.
Next Meeting;
To be determined. Although a tentative date of Nov. 16 has been set for ramp repairs.
Motion, Don. 2nd Bob
Meeting adjourned 3:55pm